11 March 2014

Purple code. When the snow comes to us in the future ?

I'm in brief and short by this picture:                                                                                           
 When the snow is coming is it Alaska state ?! I'll turn to NASA :) That's the ocassion!

27 February 2014

GO GG,. In fight with the Devil

Part one


Raster Graphics RGB
red=1=1.0=>0:1 logic
green=1/4=0.25=>3:4 logic
blue=1/2=0.5=>1:2 logic
yellow=0=0.0=>2:3 logic

Vector Graphics [7,7] based on 1(square or vicinity)
red=(-5,5)=1.0=>0:1 logic
green=(0,0)=0.0=>3:4 logic
blue=(4,4)=0.8=>1:2 logic
yellow=(1,-5)=|-0.6|=0.6=>2:3 logic

I prooved that one colour is ONE in Raster or Vector graphics!
=> Corel Draw and Photoshop must be the same in colors even on printpress when you make a paper!

CMYK in True Color(dimensional physical RGB model in 3 Layers)[-> is "trough"]
Cyan->wave animated cyan->transparent cyan: Safety Cyan in Rich Colour
Magenda->wave animated magenda->transparent magenda: Safety Magenda in Rich Colour
Yellow->not colourful->yellow: Gold through Grafite
Key->not colourful->colourful: the Opal mineral
    The lifecircle is Key->Cyan->Yellow->Magenda->Key

C is 0:1 logic
M is 1:2 logic
Y is 2:3 logic
K is 3:4 logic

Gold is Father of all metals
Opal is Father of all stones
Grafite is the material possible to produce Gold
Grafite is considered between stone and metal

GOGG:Senegal flag in colors!!! It's cool and nature based :)

The Ocean is blue. What is the True Color of the sky ?

The end of Goji, LOL