29 June 2011

Not PC Processors of the future

Not very well drown Diamond based Processor:

It will be not your PC, but as the big plans show I won't need a PC !!! ( All from one computer using mostly LAN and Graphics card :))))) )

Not PC Processors of the future

Not very well drown Diamond based Processor:


18 June 2011

Polymorphysm of n-bit digital systems

n*max("n"bit)= full cycle of "n"bit digital system = (n-1)*("(n+1)"bit) + 1
10*max(1 to 10) = 100 = 9*max(1 to 11) + 1
8*max(1 to 8) = 64 =  7*max(1 to 9) + 1
x E (1 to n) =>
n*x=(n-1)*(x+1 ) -  n + x + 1