15 April 2011

The Fallen Angel

5  13 17
7  19 23
11 31(+2) 37 X
13 37 41
17 47(+2) 53 X
19 53(+5) 59 X
23 67 71 = 161=7*(3*7+2)=3*7^2 + 2*7
29 83 89


18 March 2011

Some play with the primes and thinking of graphic cards

7 is "flat circle"

1+2+3 = 6^1 = 5 + 1 =0 + 2*3 
13+17+19 = 49 = 7^2 + 0
167+173+179 = 519 = 8^3 + 7 ( circles 512-bit ) = 0 + 173*3 
2161+2179+2203 = 6543 = 6561 - 6*3 = 3^8 - 6*3; 6561= 2187*3= 729*3*3 = 243*3*3*3 = ... = 3^8
... 10^5=100 000 
at Assembler language: 0, 173... in Depth 
7-bit additional register for circle amedments !!!

I think it's not done, Example: GeForce GTX 285